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Get paid, pay it out.

September 7th, 2008 at 07:26 pm

It seems like as soon as you get paid, your paycheck is gone. This is nothing new to most people I'm sure. Just something that frustrated me a little bit today. (I get paid weekly, therefore I pay my bills weekly, IE Credit card)

My weekend spending:

Perscription: 49.78
Gasoline to fill the tank to full: 20.00
Gift: 3.00
Other/Misc: 8.00
Groceries: 55.00 (45.00 under budget!)
CC Payment for this week: 100.00
Downtown parking for work: 85.60 (last time I have to pay this! There's always a silver lining right? lol)
Magazine Subscription: 19.97 (I decided to subscribe to All You magazine, since I buy it monthly...and I'll get back 26% of my purchase through ebates :-) )
SwapTree Monthly Charge: 30.00 ... Lots of trades this month. But still not bad for everything I traded off.

Grand Total: $371.35 (Ouchy)

Ugh...Oh well. Work to live right? :-)


Hubby and I tried a new recipe last night. In honor of our "Veggie week" (We decided to try an entire week of vegetarian meals)we thought we'd try some spinach enchiladas that were getting quite the review online. I made them, exactly by the recipe. Lucky for us, we had a plan B. They were not the least bit all. So needless to say all that food got wasted, but it was luckily a decently cheap meal to make.

Our plan B was Salserita's. But I had a buy one get one free entree coupon, so it was only 10 dollars for us to go to plan B :-).


Another big expense is about to come our way, we need to get our cat's claws removed. She is an indoor cat only, I wouldn't do it if she was an outdoor cat. She is starting to take quite the toll on our trim work. Ugh. It's either take her claws out or end up replacing any trim up to 2 feet off the ground all around the house. The vet quoted 200 bucks! That's what you have an "expense savings" for though right?

I tell you what, these animals of ours cost a pretty penny. But they are worth it.


Hubby and I are thinking about planning a long weekend vacation possibly in November. A friend gave us some tickets to an amusement park about 3 hours from here, and my Hubby gets a nice hotel rate through it wouldn't cost that much. I think a small vacation would be nice...Who wouldn't though, right?


I hope everyone had a great weekend.